You might need to upgrade your pc to windows 11 for free.Well, you are in the right place.All you need is to read the following steps carefully.This does not require any programming skills.
Windows 11 can become installed on any PC you purchase. Microsoft offers several ways to get the new upgrades. You can therefore choose the method that best suits your compatibility.
Before you can get the free upgrade, you should make sure that your Windows 10 PC is compatible and that the Microsoft page can go to Windows 11.
You can then move to the specifications and scroll.
Microsoft’s free Windows 11 upgrade from Windows 10 is now rolling out. This free upgrade is offered by Microsoft to new devices that still deal with Microsoft 10.This is done before making the OS purchase that is available to other existing hardware.
Microsoft is also gradually working on windows so that free upgrades won’t be offered to all existing PCs that aren’t supported just yet. All existing and eligible PCs are supposed to be offered the window 11 upgrades by mid of 202, according to Microsoft.
If you have a device that is just shipped with your device that is allowed to upgrade to windows 11, you need to follow the following instructions to upgrade it:l app.
-Check that your PC is fully supported by by micro PC health account.
-Back up all your important documents, and data.
On your windows PC, head into your PC and upgrade your security.
-Check for updates.
-Check if the free windows 11 upgrade is available.
-You will see the option to download. You can then clock download and install it.
How to download windows 11 with installation assistant.
You can upgrade your computer to Windows 11 if you can download the installation assistant from Microsoft. After you have installed the app, you wait for Windows 11 to download, verify, and install. You can now click the restart button and the device will be upgraded to windows 12.
How to upgrade your pc to windows 11 for free manually.
1.You go to the windows 11 page and download the link -Microsoft com |software.You then download windows 11.
2.You then download under installation assistant. This helps you to download the installation to your device faster.
3.Next, you open the installer. There you find the file in your downloads folder.
4.You can now click accept and install.
5. After that you wait for windows 11 to finish installing.
The installer goes through three basic steps; downloading, verifying, and installing. This process can take some time but you are advised against stopping the installation process or trying to disconnect the power while the process is going on.
6.You can click the restart button and whether you choose the restart to occur immediately or later, your computer will automatically upgrade to windows 11 once you choose restart.
How to install windows 11 with USB Drive.
To do a fresh installation of windows 11 with USB, you download the media creation tool on a USB hard drive. You can then enter your BIOS and change the boot order by moving the USB Drive to the top of the list. After this, you can restart your computer so that the app can be installed.
You should note that installing these apps using the given steps, you must have an external USB Drive with at least a space 8 GB. The process can also erase files on your drive and you are therefore advised to back up all data that you wouldn’t want to lose.
The manual steps:
1.Go to the windows 11 download page. You can find this at Microsoft. com|software-download|Windows 11.
2.You then click ‘download now’ under ‘Create windows 11’ installation media.
3.You then open the installer and follow the given instructions.
4.You then choose the USB flash Drive.
5.You can then select your flash drive. You need to click on the hard drive before you can click anything else.
You should note that if you can’t see your USB Drive listed, you have to ensure that it is fully plugged. You can click the refresh drive list if it still doesn’t appear.
6.You then wait for the installation to complete and click finish.
7.After completion, you restart your computer BIOS keyboard until you see the BIOS menu appear. The BIOS menu varies depending on the computer you are using but in most cases it is either the F2 Key, The ESC Key, or The Del Key.
It’s also possible to find your BIOS Key by searching for your computer model online. If you watch your computer start, you can also see your BIOS Key.
8.Find the boot key-since BIOS menu differs, you have to search for it on your computer. You can navigate the BIOS menu with the arrow keys on your keyboard.
But you should be aware that Microsoft warns that changing BIOS settings can prevent your PC from starting correctly. So if you change any settings that you aren’t fully aware of, you should exit BIOS without saving the changes.
9.Move your Windows 11 USB Drive to the top of the boot order. Directions on how to go about this are given on your screen.
10.Exit BIOS and save changes-there are always ways that enable you to go about this. You can use a specific key like Flo that you can press and save changes at once.
11.Restart your computer -your computer can now be restarted and you will see the windows 11 installed.
12.You can now follow the onscreen instructions to install your data and settings. You can opt to delete them.
If your computer is not compatible with windows 11, Microsoft warns you not to upgrade to windows 11 because it might lead to a malfunction on your devices.
Once you manage to upgrade your pc to windows 11, you are only given ten days to roll back to windows 10.To do this, you should go to ‘settings’, then ‘system’, then ‘recovery’ and then ‘go back’. You can now follow the online instructions that will enable you to go back to the earlier Windows build that you were accustomed to.