How Long Does Casetify take to ship.

Do you want to place an order through Casetify? Then am sure you want to know how Long Does Casetify take to ship. Well, this is a good question since sometimes you might be eager to see your product and some of these companies take decades to bring your product. Am kidding about decades, Okey lets be precise, say a few months.

What am trying to say is shipping times vary by store and you want to know what to expect so that you don’t catch with time when you try to surprise your lover on his/her birthday. This can be horrible.

However, we have the best stores out there that can ship your product quickly while others can be much slower. These stores offer different shipping methods and have complex operation systems.

To find out how long Casetify takes to ship,. Just keep reading.

How long does Casetify take to ship?

Okey, to go direct to the point, Casetify takes 1 to 3 days to ship and bring the order to you. However, this can change if you are willing to pay for a additional services such as pay for fast delivery. Casetify offers different shipping options that allow you to get your order if you are so in hurry.

Casetify has standard shipping durations which take 1 to 3 days. This duration makes sense for many customers. But guess what!. You can get your order overnight which attracts extra charges.

You will pay at least $6 using standard shipping but when you place an order above $38, you can get free shipping. This is a strategy used by Casetify to make more of their customers place orders for more than $38 just to get free shipping. 

It is a good idea to know that Casetify ships quickly as compared to other stores but it requires processing time. In some cases, the wait can take time, typically 2 to 7 days of processing an order before it gets ready to ship.

You also realize that being patient is very important when you like shipping products. Remember shipping may take a few days but processing may buy more time. This is where customers get impatient as they wait for that shipping notification.

The processing time is very important because the company wants to deliver the right product. Some of these products may be out of stock just after you have ordered them. This will take the company time to get another product for you.

Other relevant questions about Casetify are explained below:

Where is Casetify Shipped From?

It is also important to know where Casetify shipped from. This is important just to cater to your proximity. Well, Casetify is based in Hong Kong and Los Angeles California. This means that your order/item/product is going to be shipped from either of the two locations.

It is important to know that Casetify still ships worldwide despite only having these limited locations. Therefore, anyone from any location can order from Casetify and get their product delivered to them within 1 to 3 days.

Furthermore, Casetify shipping standards are the same regardless of where they ship to and so you can expect to get your order as soon as possible.

For example, if you live in California or Hong Kong, there is a high possibility to get your item faster than people living outside these countries. But why? This is due to the close vicinity to the Casetify warehouses.

Why Does Casetify Take So Long to Arrive?

There are possible answers to why this happens. First, it depends on where you live. If your location is somewhere like Africa, you it might take up to 3 days to ship because of connection flights.

The second reason is whether your item was still available just after order placement. As mentioned earlier, some products are purchased faster than others.

This means that your item might be unavailable this will take time to arrive since the company will have to start searching or looking for these products in the market. In some instances, but rare, you might get a refund when your product is not available anywhere in the market.

Therefore, you should be able to see the estimated time frame between when you expect your item from when it will be shipped.

Worried about out-of-stock items in Casetify?

Worry no more, Casetify regularly sells items that are in the process of restocking in its inventory. This is a common thing because it will be restoring its stockpile and want to continue accepting high-demand products.

So, you will still receive the ordered item though it might take time.

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