How to find a mentor online.

Success in many professional and personal development depends on so many things. To find a mentor online is one of the ways that can help you a great deal. You can’t successfully take the journey to personal and professional development alone.

Just like me when i was first introduced to blogging tips, i did’t know where to start but i managed to be successful in blogging through a mentor.

The relationship between you and your mentor plays a pivotal role in making sure your things work out positively. It can help tremendously benefit your growth.Many mentors advertise themselves in online platforms but there are various ways you can find them.

Ways of finding a mentor.

It’s not an easy task to find a mentor. But if you know how to go about it, you can get a person that can transform your life. Here are some of the things that you can do in order to find a mentor online:

Know what you are looking for in a mentor

You should have a clear picture of what you need from a mentor. There are different qualities to look for. These include:

-Relevant knowledge, expertise, and experience.

-How enthusiastic the mentor is to impart that knowledge, the ability to give honest feedback, the virtue of empathy, and the passion the mentor has for the field you want to grow in.

-That mentor must be willing to invest in you.

Join a mentorship platform.

There are several mentorship platforms in existence that have been formed to connect mentors to mentees. These platforms include the following:

Mentor cruise

This is one of the best mentorship platforms for those in the tech and design business. It has the advantage of being a two-sided marketplace. Mentors can look for mentors and vice versa. There is a seven-day trial

Growth mentor

This is a platform targeted at growth hackers. Their most significant selling point is unlimited calls with mentors. You can also post help requests and the mentors will reply.


Pension as a platform connects developers to experienced mentors in their field of expertise. It is one of the best platforms for those in tech.


In Clarity, you browse through a community of experts and request the mentor of your choice.

Reach out to your existing network.

You can find a mentor online by looking in your network and get those who have achieved what you are aspiring to achieve. You make a list, narrow them down and select the one who fits your aspirations.

You can also reach out to members of your network for recommendations.

Attend professional networking events.

When you attend these events, you are connected with people in your exact industry who have the knowledge, skills and expertise that will assist you in your growth.

The key to finding a mentor at professional networking events lies in attending as many such events as possible. You can observe the candidates and make a wise choice.

Find an industry meet up.

These are just almost the same as professional networking because it’s a meeting of people in your particular field who wish to learn more. The types of meetups are conferences, trade shows, and even informal meetups that are organized by people in your field. These ones are created through online platforms.

Attend volunteer events or social clubs

When you attend volunteer events or social clubs, you have an opportunity to meet new people and learn more. This might not be specific to your industry but you can bump into a relevant person. When you are consistently attending, you get to know the regulars and your interaction with them will show you who is the best candidate to mentor you.

Social media factor

You can use keywords and hashtags to search for mentors on social media. This depends on the social media platform that is popular in your industry.

Tips for getting the best in your mentorship.

The relationship must work for you. These are the things that you should do to make it ideal:

Have a goal for your mentorship

The mentor and the mentee need to sit down and discuss what is expected of both of them. It gives a clearer picture that will make you achieve your goals.

Know the importance of feedback

You are also expected to provide some feedback during your mentorship session. They should be descriptive and with no sugarcoating.

Prepare for your sessions

You need to have good preparation before a session begins. You should even read notes from your previous encounter to make sure that you are up to date.

Learn to take constructive criticism

You should learn to accept any kind of criticism that comes from your mentor. It might all not be positive but if you take it positively it helps in your knowledge acquisition.

Importance of a mentor.

You can use many mentors and they can all add value to your life in different ways.

Extending your network

Many mentors have a vast network and therefore finding one will help you expand your professional network.

Improve your progress

Mentorship is capable of speeding up your progress toward the goals that you have set.

Wide the view of your industry or niche

Mentors see the bigger view of things and having them is constructive because they can advise you on matters of upward trajectory.

Improve your profession skills

Mentors help you to improve your skills in a particular field because they give you the information in that industry.


To find a mentor online is essential in the success equation of anyone. The best way to develop yourself is through mentorship. No matter the level of your expertise, mentorship can still upgrade it. But you must know how to find a good mentor.


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