How to make money in blogging.

Make money in blogging is real business.Now that you learned how to start your blog and you have posted content, overcome your SEO challenges and everything that is necessary for your blog to start getting traffics.

It is now time to know how to make money from it. Many bloggers develop a very competitive, beautiful and detailed blog but when it comes to making money from it is where things start getting harder.

This is because they have little knowledge regarding this or maybe they just don’t know. It is clear that you are in this page because you are looking for some tips that will help you earn a passive income from your blog and eventually make it your full-time job.

Based on your blog niche, there are several ways that you can make money from it. Remember, choosing a niche that will tempt readers to click a link, ad or any other promotion is very important in this industry. Let’s dive in to make money in blogging;

1.Affiliate marketing.

Affiliate marketer.

I know as a blogger you have heard of this word before, it simple means that you are promoting other people’s products to earn a commission. This is number one source of income you can easily get from your blog especially for new websites.

This program does not require more traffics from your site because of its direct to the sell point nature. Suppose your niche is about insurance, you can register in any affiliate platforms and get a link of the insurance products available.

Choosing the affiliate platforms is easy, you just sign up and create an impressive profile along with your background. Do not forget an approximation of your site traffics. This idea will attract more companies into working with you.

It is also important to know that whenever a company gives you a link, it has a grace period. Some give up to 3 months or 1 month. You have to select the best link and the one that will give substantial earnings. Ensure the link is related to your niche for relevancy.

Placing an affiliate link in a website is also important. You can do this by using google console or analytics to track down the topic that has more visitors. We want to be strategic here, more visitors in a blog post will increase the chance of your link being clicked. There are companies that pay commission based on leads and other based on sale. However, this doesn’t matter because the end goal to get passive earning from your blog.

In simple terms, when readers click a link you placed in your website, it should redirect them to the actual website that sells the product. Please ensure that your link is working and takes the reader to the right website.

Do you know affiliate marketing is the highest paying source of income for bloggers? Now you know and it’s time to go for it. Sell other people’s products before you start selling yours. Affiliate platforms pay you using credit cards, PayPal among other payments methods.

2.Google AdSense.

Google adsense.

This is the world most used platform to generate revenue for bloggers. The platform is sponsored by google. All you need to do is to apply for google AdSense program and remember to include all correct information such as details.

Google will send you a letter that contain verification code that will allow you set up your google AdSense account. Now that you have your website full of content, google AdSense recommend that you should have high value content before they allow you run for AdSense program.

There are many stories regarding to how to get approved by google AdSense but all these are not true since google does not have any specific guidelines on how to get approved.

Google AdSense pay just after your reader clicks as advert from your website. This means the more clicks for ad you get, the more earning. The ads can be random but, in most cases, google place these ads based on content.

Through google AdSense account, you can be able to set up your payment method and google will pay you once you reach a threshold for payment, mostly above $70.You can adjust your payment threshold to be more than &70. Also, it is important to know that google pays between 24th to 31st of every month.

Some of the things you need to consider when running a google AdSense:

-Do not click your own ads

-Do not tell people to click your ads

-Do not use any anonymous ways that will drive invalid traffics to your website leading to invalid clicks.

N/B: If you engage in the above three statements, you will lose your google AdSense account forever. Google ensures its advertisers are save and get relevant clicks that will eventually help them.

Most bloggers find google AdSense as the most easy and reliable way to make passive income from their site. But there are more other ways and that is why you are in this page.

3.Sponsored content.

Sponsored content.

Have you ever come across a blog that has articles with tagline “Sponsored”? Well, this is also the best way to earn from your popular blog. Remember this only works if your blog has high domain authority and attracts other bloggers in help to advertise their content.

This requires you to increase your domain authority before you get such kind of earning. A good blog authority ranges from 50-100 rating. This means, the blog strength enable it appear among the top pages in google.

4.Selling Digital products.

Digital products.

Most successful bloggers end up selling their products or other people’s products. These products include eBooks, courses, video tutorials among others. Your blog can be very impressive and many beginners will reach out to you to ask for guidance.

This will be the right time to start creating classes for them. You might need to teach them many aspects of blogging and how you managed to reach where you are at that moment.

You might be good using video editing tool or any other digital activity that can help other industries out there. Selling this knowledge to others will help you make money in blogging.

5.Get employer’s attention.

Employer attention.

Your blog can be your brand. One way to create your personal brand is by starting a blog. This will help you grow your credibility, show your skills that will end up attracting employers.

There are many bloggers who make more money and might need your help in writing a certain type of content just because they saw it from your blog. You can start earning from that one post that got the attention of other prominent bloggers.

6.Subscription fee.

subscription fee.

I introduce this way of making money from a blog because I realized some bloggers charge subscription fee to read their content and get updates for every trending content posted. This is very possible if you are writing more interesting and sensitive topics.

Some bloggers end up posting answers for common questions in colleges or interviews. If your blog relates this type of content, you can introduce subscription fee to start earning.

Do you know more readers get curious to protected content? Yes, protected content gains more value and every individual landing to your page may want to know what is it all about. You can get renewal subscription every month and this will help you make money in blogging.

7.Selling ad space.

ad space.

Great news is that you can just sell a portion of your blog space to make money in blogging. This can be top page, bottom, side or any other selected space.

An advertiser will reach you and ask you to give him or her a space in your website in exchange to some revenue. Since you might be new to this, top space is more expensive to bottom space.

The idea is that the advertiser wants to increase his sales and impression through your website. Depending on your niche, you can get more income from this. However, the market for this is very crowded and you might get little income.

8.Selling a backlink.


Yes, selling a backlink. This is real and very profitable way to make money in blogging. When I first started my blog in 2013, I remember I needed a backlink to boost my domain rating.

According to google algorithm, the more backlink you have from a high domain rating website, the higher your rank in google. I encountered this website that was related to my content and asked the owner to allow me write a guest post in exchange to backlink that points to my website.

The owner told me that he needs $500 per backlink. Actually, this was a 82% domain rating and getting backlink from this website was gold to me. To cut the long story short, if your site has a high domain rating, say 70-100, then it is high time you can start selling backlink.

Just remember one thing, ensure the backlink is more relevant to your content because google does not want high domain rating website to associate with untrusted and irrelevant websites. This will ruin your domain rating.


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