Marketing vs Advertising plays almost similar roles in ensuring your brand awareness reaches the right people.

Marketing is a process of identifying customer needs and determining how best to meet those needs while advertising is the exercise of promoting a company and its products or services through paid channels. Advertising can therefore be categorized as a subset of marketing and deals with all marketing activities like native ads, Facebook ads, YouTube pre-roll ads, and others to support the overall marketing goals.

It can also include activities like creating new creative campaigns for seasonal collections, figuring out where to put your ads, and collecting information and data about your customer and prospects.

Marketing vs Advertising.

1. Responsibilities


Branding-marketing is responsibility for branding which determines who you are as a business entity in the market.

Trend analysis and competitor tracking: it is the responsibility of the marketing team to determine where your business sits compared to your competitors. They should also identify the trends in the market and how to position the business. They should also be able to gather all the information about your competitors to be able to compete on the same level as them.

Customer relationship management: Marketing teams use surveys, interviews, and other feedback collection tools to try to establish if the business is meeting the expectations set.

Cross-department alignment-it’s the responsibility of the marketing department to ensure that all the departments in the business understand the business’s marketing activities, the brand, and the set goals to work as a team towards trying to achieve the set goals.

The marketing research and strategy development:- the marketing team ensures that the business stays profitable. They need to do their research and find out what’s hot in the market and come up with strategies like customer management and customer sales support which help to keep the business afloat.

Budgeting and Return On Investment {ROA}-it’s the marketing team to ensure that there is no overspending and that all marketing activities the business gets involved in fall within the budget. This makes sure the business stays afloat.


In terms of responsibilities, the advertising team executes the following:-

Customer analysis-it’s the function of the advertising department to know your existing customers and their relationship with your business. This helps in developing marketing strategies that can serve the brand. It thus helps the marketing team to develop marketing strategies.

Pitching advertising strategies and plans-the advertising team is responsible for pitching the strategy to market the business. This involves specific activities, processes, and budgets required to enact an advertising strategy.

Media buying-it’s the responsibility of the advertising department to identify and buy the most effective marketing channels that can reach their target clients to promote their products or services.

Research and managing creative production-the advertising team does planning, researching, creating, and distributing creative assets that apply to the advertising plan of the business.

Communication between stakeholders-the account managers of advertising agencies is tasked with informing their clients about their progress while at the same time maintaining their creativity.

2. Purpose

While both are tasked with ensuring that the business stays profitable through consistent sales, the purposes of both differ as follows;


The lead generation-the marketing department is purposefully designed to initiate consumer interest or inquiries into products or services offered by the business and hence ensure that the interest is alive to facilitate future purchases.

New customer acquisition-the purpose of marketing is to set in place strategies that help the business to acquire new customers to help the business to grow.

Customer retention-the marketing department should also ensure, through its strategies, that the clients already on board are retained and this should be done with all the skills available in the department because retaining customers is a harder task than luring new customers to come on board.

Maintaining consistent branding-the business should maintain its status as a brand and this is also purposefully orchestrated by the marketing team. It should keep up with the activities that help maintain the status of the business brand.

Managing and creating upsell and cross-sell opportunities-the upsell and cross-sell activities are what help the business to make profitable and stay afloat. Marketing should ensure that the activities run smoothly and concurrently, without interfering with each other.

Product development-since a business world is a dynamic world, the products have to be developed to suit the changing times. The purpose of the marketing team is to ensure that the products are developed to suit the market trends of the time.

Tracking the results of all the marketing initiatives-it’s the business team that is compelled to track down the results of marketing initiatives as a whole and see how they proceed and what injections need to be put in places that haven’t responded well to the implemented initiatives. 


Attracting the first time buyers-the advertising department should put in place measures that make those who didn’t associate with the business brand not only know about its existence but also be part of the users of the product or service.

Informing or reminding customers about the existence of the brand– customers need to be informed of the existence of a brand. And those who already know need to be reminded that the brand still exists. The advertising team is purposefully designed to ensure that this takes place in a business.

Compelling customers to purchase through ads-the advertising department purposefully comes up with ads that are designed to compel customers to buy their products or services.

Keeping customers happy and satisfied by increasing brand loyalty-this is done by ensuring that consumers get the value of the products as has been advertised.

Keeping the brand’s image strong-the advertising sector liaises with all the other departments to help keep the brand’s image strong.

Establishing your business as the top-of-mind option among others in the market-since business is a cutthroat activity, it’s how you infiltrate the market that determines how you perform. The purpose of the advertising department is to keep your business on top of your competitors in the market. 

Motivating existing customers to continue purchasing-the advertising department is cut in such a way that it puts in place measures or ads that motivate the existing customers to be repeat customers and to continue being motivated to purchase the business products. 

3. Techniques used

Since the marketing and advertising goals are different, they use different tools to help them achieve their goals.


Inbound marketing- marketing uses inbound marketing strategies which are organic strategies to try to attract customers to the business.

Content marketing-content marketing is done through social media posts like Instagram or YouTube to create compelling content that attracts and keeps customers interested in the products.

Search Engine Optimization-marketing ensures the business is ranked on Google and other search organs and this helps the business to attract customers without spending unnecessarily.

The email marketing-the marketing team uses email, newsletters, and promotions to stay in touch with customers.

Affiliate marketing-this is done by partnering worth the right affiliates who can help you reach more customers. You can leverage other trusted people to market your brand in exchange for a commission.


In techniques used, advertising uses the following tools:

Traditional ads-this are manifested in the form of print media, television, or radio as a form of reaching out to clients.

Retail advertising-this is done in the form of shelf marketing and in-store promotional activities. The way goods are arranged on shelves in a way that manipulates the customers’ minds and makes them make decisions that favor the purchase of the goods. This is enhanced by in-store promotional activities which trigger the mind of the customers to make a purchase.

Digital advertising-social media ads, video marketing, content syndication, and guest posting all fall under digital marketing that the advertising department uses to achieve its goals.

Native advertising-writing a native blog that is less intrusive than ads placed on a certain platform or website is also a technique employed by the advertising department or agency.

Billboard ads-some ads are put on billboards to help reach the general public.

Mobile ads in apps-advertising also reach their target customers through mobile ads in the different apps on mobile phones.

4. Investment required

Advertising can be said to be one of the costly marketing activities because it deals with paid ads but being a subset of marketing, marketing is generally viewed as more involving because it deals with the overall selling of the business brand.

In advertising, the costs depend on who the company involves as its advertising agency. If the advertising uses internal talent, then you need strategists, media buyers, copywriters, video editors, and other such inputs to actualize the advertising. The actual ad has also to be put on different platforms like television or social media and this also comes at a cost.

Marketing, on the other hand, includes things like branding, customer and trend research, and others. This implies that marketing costs as a whole may cover different positions and tools that are required to support the marketing goals.

This involves hiring product managers, brand managers, sales managers, and research analysts. If your business is planning a rebrand, for example, a good chunk of your budget may have to go to the research that facilitates the rebranding process together with subsequent expenses to ensure that the market is aware of your rebranding efforts.

And again, marketing investment can include different software tools that need to support other marketing activities. These might include email marketing providers, referral marketing software, or research companies to conduct detailed customer research and reporting.

5. Success measurement

Both Marketing vs Advertising are tasked with helping your business to stay on top and manage your marketing analytics. This has to be done profitably even amid high costs. The success metrics come in different in both marketing and advertising.

Marketing uses net promotion score, customer satisfaction, customer lifetime value, Quarterly, and Annually Sales Revenue, and market shares to determine success measurement.

Advertising on the other hand uses Return On Ad Spend {ROAS}, reach and impressions, engagement and conversations to determine the success measurement.

6. Generating results

 Both are supposed to generate results for the business. It has to be kept in mind that advertising is part of marketing and it’s therefore only logical that its results should be faster and the returns on the brand immediate by it being a component of a longer-term marketing plan because marketing activities are meant to be longer and build up your brand for the future.

Whereas advertising can be for a month and results are expected after that month, marketing may be a long journey that helps your business to evolve as customers and market trends also do.

Although it’s a longer process, monitoring of the results is also encouraged along the way. You have to check in with your brand health, customer perception, and the sum of all your campaigns to truly see how well your ongoing marketing efforts are going.

Marketing activities such as branding, market research, and pricing focus on these issues:

  • Product; does it address the needs and desires of your ideal customers?
  • Price; how much money will customers pay for them to get the full value of their investment and you to maximize your profits?
  • Place; how accessible are your goods and services to prospective customers?
  • Promotion; how does your business communicate the benefits of the uses of the product or service?
  • People; are the providers of the service qualified personnel?
  • Process; the procedure that is undergone before purchase is done.
  • Physical evidence; what tangible benefit does your customer receive as a result of the service offered?

Advertising activities, on the other hand, include;
-Brand building.
-Making customers aware that they have unmet needs and desires that your business can provide.
-Generating more leads and sales with new campaigns.
-Reaching more people using social media ads.
-Highlight your product or service benefits using storytelling.

Advertising, therefore, makes a message come to life by actually getting it in front of customers.

How to carry online marketing.

Now that we have read more about Marketing vs Advertising ,Online Marketing and advertising in the virtual world of the metaverse is where brands, advertisers, and publishers promote their products and services to consumers.

The metaverse is the virtual world of a computerized information space in which we can operate and communicate by means of networks, computers, and other multimedia devices.

With online marketing, you can grow your e-commerce to increase revenue.The idea works well if more investment is done but this will decrease with time.Read a brief guideline on online marketing steps.

1.Collect Data.

Gather data from users or potential customers. These are basically gathered from social networking sites or any other sites where people can express their opinions about products or services, share pictures with each other and so on.

2.Analyze the data.

This will allow advertisers to determine trends and purchasing patterns with which they can target their audience effectively.

3.Create content

The process of creating the material that will be distributed starts with the creative process and has to be followed by other processes such as developing and making graphics, editing, publishing, and distributing.

4.Distribution and promotion.

This is a step where the material created is distributed on social networking sites or at different locations where people spend most of their time such as blogs, forums, chat rooms or any other websites that allow users to express their opinions in some way.


Finally feedback is collected again from users or potential customers it will allow advertisers to continue improving on what they offer until they become satisfied with its quality. Therefore, marketers need to understand the nature of their users, which will allow them to create content that will be valuable for the target audience.

To sum up

Marketing vs Advertising are summed up in the way they execute their duties. Whereas marketing is the ongoing process that ensures your product or service is compelling to your potential market and buyers and involves your relationship marketing that deals with your relationship and your clients, keeping your customers loyal and providing effective after-sales nurturing and support, advertising is a subset of marketing which triggers all the overall goals of marketing to be achieved.


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