Best SMS Marketing Software.

What SMS Marketing Software?

SMS Marketing Software is among the most used promotional campaigns platforms in the world today. Businesses embraced this idea because it helps them reach certain types of customers.

The message sent to recipients depends with the company intension. Some SMS are promotional or transactional base.

In most cases, the SMS are sent to communicate time-sensitive offers, updates and alerts to people who are able to receive these test messages.

With AI Development tools, developers were able to create software that could send SMS to specified recipients. SMS Marketing Software are very effective Digital Marketing Techniques that ensure the businesses are sending more convenient and detailed SMS.

Why SMS Marketing Software are effective?

  • Closes the email marketing loop: Despite being similar, email and SMS marketing they work better when used one at a time. The software can be used to send instant notification that could not be wise to send via email.

  • Ubiquity of smartphones: We all know that 85% of adults in the US own smartphones. The SMS Marketing Software will reach out potential customers at their convenient places.

  • Wide coverage: SMS Marketing Software can send notifications and campaigns even to areas where network/wi-fi is hardly found but still reach the customer’s inbox.

  • High engagement rates: The rate at which individuals read SMS messages is higher than those who read emails. This means that SMS Marketing Software will increase your business engagement and conversion.

SMS Marketing Software.

1.EZ Texting.

An SMS marketing tool called EZ Texting assists a variety of small businesses in running effective SMS marketing campaigns.

Small businesses searching for an advanced solution for subscriber list creation and text blasts can use EZ Texting.

Automations and segmentations are appropriate for new marketers, but they lack the power to meet the demands of experienced ones.

Key Features of EZ Texting SMS Marketing Software.

1.Growing Your Subscriber Base.

Many different subscriber list building possibilities are available with ET Texting.

Using manual imports, keywords, and web forms is how you can basically develop your list.

There are also more choices, such as posters and QR codes. Due to their capacity for data capture, web forms are the most effective list-building technique. Utilize them for highly customized messages for your company.

-Manual Imports: Utilizing. Csv,.xls, and.xlsx files, you can manually import subscribers. Additionally, import from other integrations is supported by EZ Texting.

The most well-liked applications from which you can import contacts are listed below:

  • Constant Contact.
  • Salesforce.
  • Mail chimp.

-Keywords: Customers text keyword phrases to become subscribers. They are one of the key methods for expanding your SMS contact list.

The keyword creation features in EZ Texting is simple to set up and has other settings that are useful.

-Web Forms: The web forms offered by Web Forms EZ Texting are robust. This is due to the fact that they make it possible for your subscriber list to expand while also utilizing custom fields to gather specific data. This indicates that you can expand your clientele and gather sufficient data to enable tailored messaging.


Smaller companies wishing to run straightforward marketing campaigns will find segmentation in EZ Texting to be sufficient.

It is not as sophisticated as competitors like Slick Text, though. This is because there aren’t many segment conditions and it’s Impossible to combine segments using and-or-conditions.

This means that there are few options for your company to target particular clients with customized messages.

3.Creation of message.

Small businesses will find EZ Texting’s message production process to be simple. You can produce trackable short links, add custom fields for customized messages, and access a library with millions of images for MMS messages.

These capabilities increase your capacity to produce premium, personalized messages. There are several templates available in EZ Texting.

These messages cover anything from alarms to client interaction.

  • Repairs
  • Arrival Details
  • Cyber Monday
  • Dispatch Ready
  • Appointment.

4.Building a campaign.

EZ Texting’s campaign development features are numerous and simple to set up. Building custom, drip, and voting campaigns is an option.

You now have a wide range of effective ways to interact with customers, regardless of the type of business you run.

However, there are additional options for campaigns with slick text to collect subscriber data.

5.The Two-way Discussion.

Two-Way Conversations EZ Texting is user-friendly and displays pertinent subscriber data. This enables your company to facilitate one-on-one interactions with clients with ease.

You may view all of your previous chats with subscribers in your inbox. This provides additional context on customers for your business. Any custom field or list that is linked to subscriber can likewise be modified.


Automations are processes that speed up your SMS marketing workflow by doing certain actions when certain situations occur.

Automated messaging, grouping clients into separate groups, and other uses are among the most prevalent use cases for automations in SMS marketing.

Automations in EZ Texting can be found in drip campaigns and keyword auto responders.


Textedly is a text messaging tool for marketing and promotion that is subscription-based. It can send messages with up to 1,600 characters and store an infinite number of contacts.

Textedly can immediately send 300 messages per second to subscribers with instant receipt. With its built-in calendar, it can schedule promotions and mass SMS.

They can respond to the subscribers, and the responses are delivered right to their inbox. This enables freechat between the sender and recipient.

The ability to attach images and PDF-files to messages as well as pre-written responses is additional features. Subscribers can opt-in or out of notifications by using keyword.

Features of Textedly SMS Marketing Software.

1.Creation of Message.

In textedly, sending messages is simple. The main restriction is that custom fields are expensive and can only store a subscriber’s first name. the advantage is the ability to send messages up to 455 character, which is extremely uncommon for any SMS marketing platform.

In the end, mass text message are more effectively created than tailored, high-quality communications.

There are no premade templates included with Textedly, but you can make your own. For added analytics, you can also shorten URLs. Preview messages are not complementary, so keep that inmind.

2.Building a campaign.

The foundation of Textedly is campaign building. Custom campaigns are the main campaign type you use.

It is possible to use drip campaigns, however doing so costs $135 up front. This indicates that using campaigns for internal communications or mass text blasts will help your organization succeed more.


Textedly’s analytics are rather straightforward. This is mostly because there aren’t many drill-down chances.

Reports often discuss subscriber rates and message delivery. Postscript or SMSBump are possible substitutes if ecommerce-specific metrics like ROI and revenue are crucial to your company.

4.Keywords and templates.

Depending on the kinds of goods or services they are interested in, you can use Textedly to invite individuals to sign up for your marketing communications.

Create terms that accurately describe your offerings, (for example, “manicure” If your company is a nail salon), and urge users to use them when they choose to get messages. We put up a new keyword in under 60 seconds.

You will select the term you want to use, decide how many SMS you want to send subscribers each month, and create an opt-in message. Use template or create your own welcome message.

However, Textedly’s template tool can be a little annoying. You must navigate three clicks to the “manage Templates” section; you cannot write something new and then simply check a box to make it a template for later usage.

Though they are not connected to this section of the dashboard, there are 65 templates to pick from.


Automation is processes that speed up your SMS marketing workflow by doing certain when certain situations occur.

Automated messaging, grouping clients into separate groups, and other uses are among the most prevalent use cases for automations in SMS marketing.

In Textedly, keyword auto responders are where you’ll mostly find automations. Auto responses and drip campaigns are also accessible, however they must be ordered independently.


Podium is a comprehensive platform for client contact and payments that combines web chat, online review generation, SMS (text) marketing, and payment processes from a single user-friendly inbox.

Features of Podium SMS Marketing Software.


Text messages are used to send payment requests. Though it doesn’t seem like podium offers full invoicing capabilities, you can submit the invoice number if you have a complete invoice from another platform.

It is not possible t send pre-service quotes. With a pre-transaction processing fee, the consumer can pay with a credit card, debit card, HSA (for healthcare), bank transfer, Google Pay, or Apple Pay.

You would therefore pay $12.75 for a $500 payment at a rate of 2.49% + $0.30/transaction fee.

2.Exemplary leadership.

In addition to streamlining communication, podium maintains consumer data from Web chat or other channels so the company owner may follow up with leads.

The Web chat component, according to Podium, accounts for around two-thirds of the leads company generates. (The mid-range plan, which costs roughly &6,000 annually, is the only one with this option.) Facebook, SMS, and Google provide the remaining leads.

3.Reviews: Get quick control by receiving new review alerts in a single mailbox. Automated and personalized invites that encourage evaluations can be sent to customers thanks to integration with ERP, POS, and CRM systems. To enhance services, track and evaluate customer and rival reviews.

4.Automated Interactions.

By communicating with customers via an automated messaging system, you may increase customer engagement.

SMS, Facebook Messenger, and WhatsApp can be used to send appointment reminders, solicit feedback, and follow up on prior inquiries.

5.Team chat.

Teams can discuss reviews, research consumer questions, and communicate advancements through a centralized platform using team chat instead of emails, phone calls, or other applications.

6.Analytics performance: Analyze corporate performance holistically using performance analytics.

In its analytics package, you may get reports that show important company indicators like leads generated, site rating average, the number of chats and reviews total, median reaction time, and more.


Through marketing automation, email campaigns, transactional emails, and SMS messaging, Sendinblue enables organizations to create and strengthen relationships.

The supplier claims that what makes them stand out are their top-notch customer satisfaction staff and their pricing strategies.

Customers reportedly chose the provider because of their platform’s ability to integrate a strong portfolio of services into a single, user-friendly solution.

Key features for Sendinblue SMS Marketing Software.

1.Email Templates.

Using GDPR-compliant email templates makes it easier to comply with rules. Allows for user-friendly modification using drag and drop.

2.Email personalization.

Increase email open rates when emails are personalized. To create a more relevant experience, dynamic customization uses subscriber-provided data from newsletters. Name, initial name, preferred gender, date of birth, and other personalization factors are among the features.


By selecting visitors based on their visits to particular pages or other actions, you can create a retargeting audience for your advertising (visiting a checkout page, abandoning a cart).

Define budgets, upload several ad creative styles, and keep track of performance using important data.

4.Sign-up Forms.

A drag-and-drop tool makes it simple to construct sign-up forms and aids in gathering data from various fields. Additionally, following GDPR guidelines provide contacts with the option to receive various sorts of communications.

5.Real-time Statistics.

Get a comprehensive breakdown of email performance. Provides live campaign monitoring by enabling real-time event, delivery, open, click and bounce tracks.

6.A Landing page.

Using the drag-and-drop landing page builder, you can create custom landing pages without knowing any code.

Include the URL of the landing page in emails, ads, social media posts, and other places.


The full ranges of the platform’s capabilities are available to developers. PHP, Python, Node.js, Ruby, and C Sharp are just a few of the coding languages that support APIs.


Integrations new features while maintaining compatibility with existing programs. Includes Magento, PayPal, WordPress, GoogleAnalytics, and more integration for CRM, e-commerce, forms, CMS, and more.


Web developers can add a chat window to the company’s website so visitors can communicate with leads and customers in real-time.


Cloud-based marketing services are offered by ActiveCampaign SMS Marketing Software, which has a wide range of powerful features, including lead scoring, reporting, automation, and contact segmentation.

Due to its flexible deployment architecture and support for all devices, it is perfect for enterprises of all sizes.

With many connectors and exporting possibilities, it also performs as a marketing-focused CRM to help with sales.

Machine learning is offered, and can be used for data such as sales, emails, and phone conversations.

Using predictive sending and predicting win probability are made possible by machine learning. A consultant directory with certified consultants from other nations is available to customers as well.

Key features of ActiveCampaign SMS Marketing Software.

1.Dynamic Content.

Maintain content freshness and personalization by automatically altering email content based on the stage of the buyer’s journey that a lead is in.

2.Email Marketing.

A powerful and feature-rich suite for email marketing delivers broadcasting, triggered and targeted mailings, funnels, and solid connectors with well-known social media and e-commerce platforms. Also provides:

3.Campaign creation and automation are made simple with a drag-and-drop builder.

4.Scheduled Emails.

This allows you to schedule emails for particular days and times.

5.Email autoresponders.

These tools let you send automated welcome emails, launch a welcome series, or distribute lead magnets.


Target particular groups within the contacts list to personalize emails and engage recipients with the appropriate content.


Automated alert the sales team, update deals, set tasks, and nurtured leads. Leads scoring, highly qualified target handoff to sales, and integration with well-known email providers.

8.Advanced Reporting.

Provides personalized reporting options, such as personalized KPIs, sales reporting, tag counting, and powerful segmentation. Insights regarding email performance are provided. Email opens, clicks and purchases can all be increased with split testing.

9.Rapid Exercise.

Set up one-on-one meetings with the customer service staff of the business to assist teams in completing their training. There are numerous in-depth webinars and user guides available.


The omnichannel marketing automation platform Omnisend was created with e-commerce in mind.

Its primary goal is to facilitate the creation of attractive email campaigns using email marketing.

Users can personalize communications by using Omnisend’s automation to take into account consumer information, campaign engagement, and purchasing patterns.

Email, SMS, push alerts, and other channels are all accessible through Omnisend and can be added to the same automated workflow.

Additionally, users can sync segments to Facebook and Google retargeting advertising to provide a fully immersive customer experience.

Omnichannel marketing is not only conceivable with Omnisend, but also simple to execute.

Key features of Omnisend SMS Marketing Software.

1.A/B testing.

This function aids customers in streamlining their marketing initiatives by distributing two subject lines or two distinct sender names to a small percentage of subscribers to determine which one performed better.

The recipient list is then immediately updated with the email that had the greatest click-through rate.

2.Campaign Booster.

This tool allows users to resend a campaign to contacts who are likely to buy but didn’t open the initial email with a new subject line, which helps to maximize engagement rates.

3.Email Template.

Several different types of templates make it easier to customize email campaigns.

4.Abandoned Cart.

The program keeps track of customers who leave their shopping carts empty so that users can contact them later and recoup lost sales.

This is accomplished by displaying abandoned carts at different points, such as right after customers have provided their email address or directly from cookies in their browser.

5.Content Editor.

The product picker tool enables users to build newsletters and to have a different discount code for each client. Automatic product recommendations can also be added.

6.Audience Segmentation.

Segmenting the audience will enable marketers to reach subscribers with pertinent material.

Customers who placed orders and contacts who opened and clicked on messages are just two examples of the many criteria that may be used to generate segments.

Users can also focus on subscribers based on their location or demographic information.

7.Powerful Integrations.

Strong Integrations With popular e-commerce applications like Shopify, ShopifyPlus, and WooCommerce, one-click interfaces are available.

It can also link to Magento and Zapier. Custom integrations are supported via the API.

8.Push Notifications.

Users can improve interactions with prospects and customers by including push notifications into automated flows and campaigns. Notifications can be used to announce flash sales, confirm orders, and more.


Businesses may send SMS marketing campaigns, alerts, reminders, and confirmations in bulk with TextMagic, a text messaging service.

The service also allows businesses to schedule SMS messages and send them in bulk as needed.

Key features of TextMagic.

1.Utilizing a Smartphone.

One would assume that all SMS marketing providers would offer mobile applications, however, this isn’t always the case.

The iOS and Android apps from TextMagic cover all the essentials. You can manage campaigns from any place because they can perform almost all tasks on the site’s desktop version.


You may find a ton of additional helpful tools under Services. Text-to-speech, APIs, and forms are a few instances of this Spend some time reading them, watching the tutorials, and learning about the fantastic powers of TextMagic.


The reporting feature of TextMagic enables you to monitor important information including the number of messages sent and received, your delivery rate, and response rates.

You may concentrate on what’s working while also identifying fresh areas for improvement thanks to the helpful Product Usage page that reveals which parts of TextMagic are being utilized the most.

4.Management of Contact.

Keeping track of and managing contacts is considerably simpler with TextMagic. You could import CSV or Excel files, create custom fields, share with sub-accounts, hide information, and add more profile details, for instance.

5.Establishing a Subscriber List.

A vast selection of tools for building subscriber lists are included in TextMagic. Your list can be expanded via manual imports, keywords, and online forms. Slick Text and Simple Texting provides alternative initiatives like text polls and opt-in buttons.

However, due to the lack of diversity, your business will have fewer opportunities to acquire subscribers and customers in distinctive and fascinating ways.


Automations are actions that are carried out in response to predetermined events. Automated message delivery to customers, client classification, and other uses are among the most frequent use cases for automation in SMS marketing.

Automating your engagement and list growth with TextMagic may be possible in two areas: keyword autoresponders and list development.

8.Simple Texting.

Users can develop and manage text message campaigns with SimpleTexting SMS Marketing Software, an internet texting service.

Additionally, it provides several features, such as an autoresponder tool, survey capabilities, appointment reminders, and more.

According to our SimpleTexting review, the SimpleTexting app is one of the best SMS service providers. It has a lot of features, great customer service, and positive customer satisfaction ratings.

Key features of simple texting.

1.MMS texting.

With this SMS Marketing Software, you can transmit images, GIFs, audio files, movies, and other media types using SimpleTexting in addition to text messages. Sending promotional materials or coupons is a breeze with the MMS capability.


Include the recipient’s first and last name, city, state, or zip code to personalize your texts.

Your messages can be made unique and more distinctive by using custom fields. You can upload a CSV file containing all the contact information for your contacts or build custom fields on our dashboard.

Sending order confirmations or shipment updates works well with this.


With the help of this SimpleTexting function, you may divide your contact list into parts according to your preferred contact frequency, geography, demographic data (such as age and gender), or other factors.


You can make as many campaigns as you want and assign keywords to each one using this tool. Then, by sending automatic replies to incoming messages and segmenting outgoing lists, you can use them to improve your SMS marketing approach.

5.Message your connections using text message.

With the help of this SimpleTexting tool, it is simple to send out bulk text message blasts or automate text messages so that they are sent on specific days, at specific times, or in response to certain events.


Twilio is a cloud communications SMS Marketing Software that enables companies to integrate phone, VoIP, and messaging into the web, desktop, and mobile apps through web service APIs.

Through its low-code builder, Studio, developers may create self-service call flows that are more effective and start unique business processes.

Teams can talk on the phone and receive calls, send and receive text messages, and use other communication methods.

Through its Voice API, developers can improve audio conferencing infrastructure and create new apps that interact with a variety of current global cellular networks.

It interfaces with WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, and Webchat and helps bolster current contact centers with the phone, SMS, IVR, and chatbot.

Key features of Twilio SMS Marketing Software.

1.Phone Numbers.

To track a number’s whole lifecycle, use APIs. To protect all apps that use numbers from disruption, and promote global innovation.

Obtain tested numbers that have undergone extensive testing. Through an online application or email, port your current phone numbers.

Select from the inventory’s over 65,000 phone numbers and a variety of phone number types.

2.Elastic SIP Trunking.

Enables any SIP device in a network to connect to the PSTN. With infinite capacity, automatically scale up or down.

Include cutting-edge cloud communication tools like voice analytics, Twilio Interconnect, and call management.

Streamline the network, avoid paying channel or port fees, and maintain the highest level of security. To protect the service, make use of disaster recovery features.

3.Short Code.

Increase your reach with shortcodes accessible in the U.S., Canada, and the U.K., as well as long code numbers available in more than 100 nations. 100 messages per second throughput should be enabled.

If a carrier cannot receive messages from short codes, reroute to regular long-code phone numbers in the U.S.

Access automatic character encoding, picture transcoding, and message assembling to deliver messages without the need for specific programming.

4.Email Marketing.

Email advertising large contact lists can be imported and synced quickly. Emails can be managed and sent to any number of recipients using the robust segmentation engine.

Select a design flow using the code editor or the drag-and-drop method. Set up a series of automated emails or easily arrange a one-time email.

5.Account Security.

Secure new users, stop the establishment of phony accounts, and lessen fraud are all aspects of account security.

By utilizing Lookup, provide the thorough carrier and caller information. Decide who to call and who to avoid doing so based on your research.

With Authy’s two-factor authentication to log in via TOTP, push, and SMS, businesses and a huge number of clients may be kept secure.

6.Enhanced Emailing: Send all emails uninterruptedly using the proprietary MTA (mail transfer agent), an easy-to-use dashboard, email experts, and more.

Throttle danger detection and turn on automated email queue handling. Utilize sender authentication, SPF (Sender Policy Framework), DKIM (Domain Keys), reverse DNS (Domain Name System), and dedicated IP addresses to increase deliverability and reliability.

7.Voice API.

Easily expand, change, and add a broad variety of modifications and resources to a voice experience.

Include capabilities like voice recognition, IVR (Interactive Voice Response), and recording transcriptions.

Make it possible for connections to be dependable and of a high standard, powered by the Twilio Super Network.

Make high-quality calls by enabling access to international carriers, endless scaling, and secure connections to the cloud.


SMS Marketing software are essential products that a company should invest in in order to increase their customers engagement and revenues.

All the above software have been tested and reviewed.All you need to do is to select the one that suit your needs.


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